Monday, February 22, 2010


I was looking through some pictures today just wasting time while printing my tags for JBF and came across some pictures from college then stumbled upon pictures from Jr. High and High School. As I was looking through the pictures memories came flooding back into my mind, fun and silly things I used to do with friends, joys we shared, sorrows we shared, secrets we told one another. I started thinking about how blessed I am to have the friends in my life that I do. My friends have stood by me through the good and bad times in my life and never once wavered in their support or love. I hope they all know how much they have touched my life and how much they mean to me! I would not be the person I am today (mother, teacher, wife, friend) if it weren't for them!! I believe that when you love someone you give a little piece of yourself to them, I honestly feel that I carry a little bit of each of these special people with me every day and I am blessed beyond measure!!!!

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